Saturday, October 1, 2011

Down to business.

For the first few/several posts, I'm going to lift directly from posts I've made elsewhere. My apologies to those of you that have "heard it before" from me.

Having said that: Here we go.

I have to confess, I'm a regular imbiber of liberal media, and every now and then I look in on the conservative media. From my observations, the news and opinions are presented much differently.

For example: Call in shows. Liberals are willing to actually take the time to hear the caller out, and attempt a civil discussion.
Conservatives yell at, and hang up on the liberal callers, and then mock them.

From what *I* remember from classes I took funded by, and taught by, the military (JROTC) these are classic examples of the differences between democracy and tyranny.
The biggest problem I can see, from my "armchair pulpit" is that there is no single individual to point a finger (or can of mace/tazer) at. No Bebe Doc Duvalier, no President For Life Marcos, no Pol Pot, no Hitler, no Kim Jong Il. If the Concrete Minds (all mixed up, and permanently set) of the Red State voters could actually take a minute and think, they would see that there's no possible way to put the blame in any single person's lap. Particularly our current POTUS.

And Another Thing! Ever wonder why the so called Red States don't put up more of a fuss about the appellation "Red" (Stalinist Communism. Not to be confused with either Leninist, or Marxist)?

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